"The Year of Mercy"
CRAA 2016 Summer Conference
The Contemporary Religious Artists Association (CRAA) held their second annual Summer Sacred Art Workshop and Retreat from July 16-July 24 at St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison. First came a three-day workshop in the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination, taught by Dr. Anthony Silvestri of Washburn University, during which participants created a small painting in the medieval style using calfskin parchment, pure pigments, and pure gold leaf. After a quiet day for reflection with medtations led by Fr. Jay Kythe, participants embarked on a five-day intensive workshop in traditional icon painting led by Elizabeth Zeller. Each participant spent almost 40 hours of loving and prayerful work in the study, design, and painting of their selected holy image. Zeller guided each iconographer through every stage of the process—selection of the icon board; transferring the holy image; navigating the delicate multi-step gilding process; and the patient application of layer upon layer of translucent, hand-made egg tempera colors—punctuated throughout the five days with prayer, and participation in the daily life of the Abbey community, including joining the monks for meals and daily prayer. The workshop culminated in the blessing of the icons during Holy Mass in the Abbey church on Sunday, July 24.
Part 1: MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPT ILLUMINATION - Saturday - Monday, July 16-18, 2016, 9am - 5pm
This three-day workshop and retreat with instructor Dr. Tony Silvestri will focus on the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination. Participants will use calfskin parchment, pure pigments, gold, and traditional techniques for painting and gilding to create a small illuminated letter of their own design. For a peek at the process we will follow see http://www.charlesanthonysilvestri.com/process.html. At the end of the workshop will be a blessing of the newly painted illuminations by Abbot James Albers OSB. Punctuated throughout the workshop will be optional time for prayer and reflection, and participation in sacraments, spiritual direction and in the Liturgy of the Hours with the monks.
Your Instructor:
Dr Tony Silvestri: An acclaimed lyricist, Charles Anthony Silvestri specializes in providing bespoke poetry for choral composers, especially texts in Latin, both sacred and secular. In addition to writing choral lyrics, Silvestri is also an accomplished artist/painter, specializing in replicating Medieval manuscript illumination and recreating the techniques and materials of Gothic and Renaissance panel painters and iconographers. He is a member of the CRAA and the Catholic Fine Arts Council, and has exhibited works internationally. He has earned Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees in Ancient and Medieval History from Loyola Marymount University and the University of Southern California. He currently lives with his children in Lawrence, Kansas, and teaches history at Washburn University. www.charlesanthonysilvestri.com
This three-day workshop and retreat with instructor Dr. Tony Silvestri will focus on the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination. Participants will use calfskin parchment, pure pigments, gold, and traditional techniques for painting and gilding to create a small illuminated letter of their own design. For a peek at the process we will follow see http://www.charlesanthonysilvestri.com/process.html. At the end of the workshop will be a blessing of the newly painted illuminations by Abbot James Albers OSB. Punctuated throughout the workshop will be optional time for prayer and reflection, and participation in sacraments, spiritual direction and in the Liturgy of the Hours with the monks.
Your Instructor:
Dr Tony Silvestri: An acclaimed lyricist, Charles Anthony Silvestri specializes in providing bespoke poetry for choral composers, especially texts in Latin, both sacred and secular. In addition to writing choral lyrics, Silvestri is also an accomplished artist/painter, specializing in replicating Medieval manuscript illumination and recreating the techniques and materials of Gothic and Renaissance panel painters and iconographers. He is a member of the CRAA and the Catholic Fine Arts Council, and has exhibited works internationally. He has earned Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees in Ancient and Medieval History from Loyola Marymount University and the University of Southern California. He currently lives with his children in Lawrence, Kansas, and teaches history at Washburn University. www.charlesanthonysilvestri.com
OPEN RETREAT - Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Enjoy a quiet day of contemplation and prayer at the Abbey, with guided meditation with Father Jay Kythe, a member of the Abbey community.
Enjoy a quiet day of contemplation and prayer at the Abbey, with guided meditation with Father Jay Kythe, a member of the Abbey community.
Part 2: ICONOGRAPHY Workshop and Retreat - Wednesday - Sunday, July 20-24, 2016
Learn to paint an icon with Elizabeth Zeller OFS. We will paint a small icon in the traditional way as the monks did 1400 years ago, using egg yolk tempera, pure pigments, and real gold leaf, on a specially-prepared wooden panel, with blessing of the newly painted icons by Abbot James Albers OSB. Punctuated throughout the workshop will be optional time for prayer and reflection, and participation in sacraments, spiritual direction and in the Liturgy of the Hours with the monks. The workshop will focus on the themes and meaning of this Year of Mercy.
Your Instructor:
Elizabeth Zeller, OFS: is a member of the secular Franciscan Fraternity of the Holy Eucharist, iconographer, sculptor and painter. In 2010 she founded an "International Academy of Sacred Art" in the USA and represents the European Organization of Sacred Art "Imago", with pontifical recognition, founded by Cardinal Schoenborn. Elizabeth has served the Greater Kansas City Art Association as both President and Vice-President. She is also the founder and current Director of the CRAA, Contemporary Religious Artists Association with pontifical recognition and a member of the Catholic Fine Arts Council. She studied art, restoration, gilding and bookbinding as well as theology, liturgy and Gregorian Chant in Italy, Germany, Israel and the USA. www.elizabethzeller.com
Abbot James Albers, OSB: is a monk and ninth abbot of St. Benedict’s Abbey, Atchison, Kan. Born in St. Joe (Ost), Kan., west of Wichita, Abbot James grew up north of Atchison in St. Benedict’s Parish, Bendena, Kan., staffed by monks of the Abbey. He attended Benedictine College graduating in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in theology and journalism. After working in public relations for just over a year, Abbot James returned to Atchison and entered St. Benedict’s Abbey in the fall of 1995. He professed first vows on December 8, 1996, and Solemn vows on October 2, 1999. After attending seminary at Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Rome, Italy, he was ordained to the priesthood on July 1, 2000. Abbot James served the community as Prior for ten and a half years until he was elected as abbot by the community on December 28, 2012.
Learn to paint an icon with Elizabeth Zeller OFS. We will paint a small icon in the traditional way as the monks did 1400 years ago, using egg yolk tempera, pure pigments, and real gold leaf, on a specially-prepared wooden panel, with blessing of the newly painted icons by Abbot James Albers OSB. Punctuated throughout the workshop will be optional time for prayer and reflection, and participation in sacraments, spiritual direction and in the Liturgy of the Hours with the monks. The workshop will focus on the themes and meaning of this Year of Mercy.
Your Instructor:
Elizabeth Zeller, OFS: is a member of the secular Franciscan Fraternity of the Holy Eucharist, iconographer, sculptor and painter. In 2010 she founded an "International Academy of Sacred Art" in the USA and represents the European Organization of Sacred Art "Imago", with pontifical recognition, founded by Cardinal Schoenborn. Elizabeth has served the Greater Kansas City Art Association as both President and Vice-President. She is also the founder and current Director of the CRAA, Contemporary Religious Artists Association with pontifical recognition and a member of the Catholic Fine Arts Council. She studied art, restoration, gilding and bookbinding as well as theology, liturgy and Gregorian Chant in Italy, Germany, Israel and the USA. www.elizabethzeller.com
Abbot James Albers, OSB: is a monk and ninth abbot of St. Benedict’s Abbey, Atchison, Kan. Born in St. Joe (Ost), Kan., west of Wichita, Abbot James grew up north of Atchison in St. Benedict’s Parish, Bendena, Kan., staffed by monks of the Abbey. He attended Benedictine College graduating in 1994 with a bachelor’s degree in theology and journalism. After working in public relations for just over a year, Abbot James returned to Atchison and entered St. Benedict’s Abbey in the fall of 1995. He professed first vows on December 8, 1996, and Solemn vows on October 2, 1999. After attending seminary at Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, Rome, Italy, he was ordained to the priesthood on July 1, 2000. Abbot James served the community as Prior for ten and a half years until he was elected as abbot by the community on December 28, 2012.
All workshops include a Certificate of Attendance from CRAA
Organized by Contemporary Religious Artists Association (with Pontifical Recognition). www.contemporaryreligiousartists.org
Organized by Contemporary Religious Artists Association (with Pontifical Recognition). www.contemporaryreligiousartists.org