
Günther Schormair (1924-2021) is the author of Creating Heavenly Space on Earth: Design Drawings Sacred Art for Home and Church Spaces [Fink Verlag, Germany, 2024], published posthumously in Summer, 2024. The book, a collection of drawings and sketches with explanatory essays and articles, will be published in three languages (English, German, and Spanish), and is part of a series entitled ARS SACRA NOVA, edited by Schormair and Elizabeth Schormair-Zeller. The series will eventually include photographs of finished work based on Schormair's designs. Authors of articles related to liturgical art include Archbishop Joseph Nauman, Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas; Abbot Primas Notker Wolf, O.S.B. of St. Ottilien, Germany; Prof. Dr. (Theol.) Richard White, Dean of Benedictine College in Atchison, KS; and Dr. (Theol.) Maximilian Gigl of Landau, Germany.

St. Therese Parish of Kansas City, KS is receiving a pair of commissioned statues of the Madonna and St. Joseph created by Elizabeth Zeller, and wood-carved in Italy by Carl Moroder. The life-sized statues will be installed in the sanctuary, oriented to point toward Christ on the cross behind the altar.
Abbot Barnabas Senecal, O.S.B., our Spiritual Director, passed away in December, 2021. He was the Abbot Emeritus at St. Benedict's Abbey in Atchison, Kansas. He was affectionately known as the “Singing Abbot” for his rich baritone voice, which was lifted often in song at Abbey liturgies and at the many Confirmation Masses he celebrated at the request of Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann throughout the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas.
With a warm personality to match his voice, Abbot Barnabas carried Benedictine hospitality wherever he journeyed. On these journeys Abbot Barnabas took photographs. He provided a photo and text for Celebration, an ecumenical worship magazine published in Kansas City, for eight monthly publications each year. Abbot Barnabas was assisted by Judith Valente, a writer and narrator for PBS and NPR in Chicago, and by CRAA member Elizabeth Zeller, an artist in Independence, Missouri, in preparing a gallery exhibit of forty of his photographic enlargements with poetry. PBS taped an interview and a journey through the exhibit, shown on the September 10 edition of its Religion and Ethics Newsweekly. This exhibit opened in August 2010 in the St. Benedict's Abbey Art Gallery a second exhibit in 2012. Here is an article in response to Abbot Barnabas' PBS interview. The CRAA is very grateful for the time and spiritual guidance Abbot Barnabas so generously gave to us. May his work live on. |

Father Daniel McCarthy, OSB has a new book now available!! COME INTO THE LIGHT: Church Interiors for the Celebration of Liturgy is an illustrated handbook for understanding the architecture of a church and the arrangement of its interior for the celebration of the liturgy. It offers great practical wisdom to all Christian communities as they reflect on their liturgy and on the buildings in which God is made present daily in ritual and symbol.This book aims to build an understanding of the constituent features of church buildings, the role they have in worship and the spirit with which they are imbued, so that all who enter today's sacred spaces may find the authentic presence of the living God.
Those who read, preach, preside or in any way take part in worship will find great practical inspiration here. This volume includes articles that have appeared over the last five years in the regular Parish Practice feature in 'The Tablet' magazine. Click here to learn more and purchase! light
Those who read, preach, preside or in any way take part in worship will find great practical inspiration here. This volume includes articles that have appeared over the last five years in the regular Parish Practice feature in 'The Tablet' magazine. Click here to learn more and purchase! light
Elizabeth Zeller, OFS, is traveling to monasteries teaching sacred art to religious members, who cannot travel and participate at regular workshops especially for sacred art. In small groups each participant can learn what is individually needed in a surrounding of daily prayers and spiritual life. For example, she took her ministry to the hermits and Trappist monks at Assumption Abbey in Ava, MO.

Cardinal Christoph von Schönborn invited Elizabeth Zeller, Georg Stein (director of Imago Unitatis, who took the picture), Barbara Palovka and Clemens Fuchs (both Austrian artists) to the Palais in Vienna, Austria on October 12, 2013. Cardinal Schönborn is a great supporter of our group and blessed our creative walk with God. The Cardinal mentioned how important to the glorification of God were the quality of the work and a good education, and he commended us for our participation in the evangelization process through art, and for our participation in the church. We also talked about exhibits, and he said he might come to our exhibit in 2015! It was a very fruitful and spiritual meeting.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events will be listed here.
Past Events
December 8, 2019 -- OPENING RECEPTION for an exhibition of the life ministry, and photographic art of our spiritual mentor, Abbot Barnabas Senecal, at St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchison, KS. This exhibition will be open every Sunday during the Advent and Christmas seasons. For more information about Abbot Barnabas and the exhibition, see the Fall 2019 issue of Kansas Monks:
January 20-24, 2020 -- Architecture for Liturgy I WORKSHOP with Fr. Daniel McCarthy, OSB, at the St. John Paul II Center in Denver, CO. Click here for more information:
July 14, 2018 -- a WORKSHOP in NEO-MEDIEVAL ILLUMINATION with Tony Silvestri - from 9am to 6pm at the Church of the Holy Cross in Hutchinson, KS. This one-day workshop with instructor Dr. Tony Silvestri will focus on the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination. Participants will use calfskin parchment, pure pigments, gold, and traditional techniques for painting and gilding to create a small illuminated letter of their own design. For more information about Tony, visit
July 21, 2018 -- a WORKSHOP in NEO-MEDIEVAL ILLUMINATION with Tony Silvestri - from 9am to 6pm at the Good Shepherd Catholic Community in Shawnee, KS. This one-day workshop with instructor Dr. Tony Silvestri will focus on the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination. Participants will use calfskin parchment, pure pigments, gold, and traditional techniques for painting and gilding to create a small illuminated letter of their own design. For more information about Tony, visit
November, 2017 -- a RETREAT with Little Brother Cristophe and the Little Sisters and Little Brothers of the Community of the Lamb, Kansas City, KS. We will be focusing our attention on Rublev's Icon of the Holy Trinity, in anticipation of the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity on June 11. For more information on the Community of the Lamb, kindly visit their website:
April 29, 2017 -- Join us from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, at the Lawrence studio of iconographer Peggy Shopen for an open-house look at her recent work, a discussion of the technical and spiritual practice of creating icons, and an insight into her experiences as an ongoing student of the Hexaemeron School of icon writing in Connecticut. This should be a thoughtful and fascinating afternoon with a talented and prayerful artist, as part of the CRAA's year of focus on the art and spirituality of icons. The address is 815 E. 11th Street in Lawrence, KS. Here is a link to an interview which might make interesting food for thought in anticipation of this discussion.
April 7-9, 2017 -- Workshop: MEDIEVAL ILLUMINATION for PALM SUNDAY, at St. Benedict's Abbey, Aitchison, KS. Join Elizabeth Zeller for a three-day workshop in conjunction with the exhibition of the St. John's Bible at St. Benedict's Abbey. Workshop participants will use the same traditional materials and techniques used in the Middle Ages, and by the scribes and illuminators who created the St. John's Bible.
March 13-April 16, 2017 at St. Benedict's Abbey, Aitchison KS. The Abbey will be hosting a traveling exhibition of the St. John's Bible! There should be several opportunities for CRAA members to share in this ongoing event. Benedictine College is even offering a course in the St. John's Bible this semester!
March 15, 2017 (7 PM) in the O'Malley-McAllister Auditorium on the campus of Benedictine University, Aitchison, KS. A lecture by Sister Irene Nowell from Mt. St. Scholastica, on the St. John's Bible. She is an Old Testament scholar and was on the scripture committee that worked with the artists on the SJB. This lecture is free and open to the public.
March 4, 2017 at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, at 10:15 AM. Join us for a private guided tour of the museum's collection of religious art. This event is FREE, but requires a minimum participation of six persons.
Winter 2016 -- Abbot Barnabas Senecal, OSB had a new exhibition of his Photographic Artwork in the gallery of St. Benedict's Abbey in Atchison, KS.
January 16-20, 2017 -- ARCHITECTURE FOR LITURGY I, at Spiritual Life Center, Wichita, KS. Join Fr. Daniel McCarthy, OSB, SLD for a week of study and reflection on the role of architecture, design, and artistic vision in the liturgy. This course is perfect for architects designing churches, artists preparing church commissions, diocesan personnel, pastors, liturgy and parish planning committees. For more information and registration, kindly visit:
November, 2016 -- at the Trappist Monastery, Assumption Abbey, in Ava, MO. Elizabeth Zeller, OFS, offered a sacred art workshop for the hermits and Trappists at the monastery as part of her efforts to bring art workshops to cloistered religious, and those in religious communities who cannot travel.
Archbishop Naumann appointed St. Benedict's Abbey in Atchison, KS as one of the few official Pilgrimage sites in the archdiocese for the holy Jubilee Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis. One door to the Abbey Church was designated by Archbishop Naumann as a Holy Door for pilgrims to receive an Indulgence as they pass through during this special year. The CRAA responded to the Archbishop's call for participation in this special Year of Mercy through the organization of artistic events and workshops which both invited reflection on mercy, but also in partnership with Abbot James and St. Benedict's Abbey invited pilgrims to the abbey for the summer's workshops in drawing, illumination, and mosaic arts.
July 18-24, 2016 -- at St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchison, KS: Our Summer 2016 Workshop/Retreat at the Abbey will include time for prayer and reflection, as well as workshops in manuscript illumination with instructor Tony Silvestri, and icon painting with instructor Elizabeth Zeller.
June 14, 2016 (Tuesday 6:30-9:00pm) at Savior Pastoral Center: The Life and Work of Fra Angelico with CRAA member and educator Tony Silvestri.
April 16, 2016 (Saturday 1:30- 4:30pm) at Savior Pastoral Center, CONFERENCE ROOM: Calligraphy with Jude Billings. This was a wonderful introductory class in the art of calligraphy with a professional in the field.
March 15, 2016 (Tuesday 6:30-9:00pm) at Savior Pastoral Center: Holy Week portrayed in Iconography and Hymns.
February 13, 2016 (Saturday 1:30-4:30pm): Color workshop with Donna Aldridge, Location: Donna Aldridge Studios.
January 2016 -- CRAA member and Librettist Tony Silvestri will attend the January 2016 premiere of his new opera "The Puffed-Up Primadonna" commissioned by the Houston Grand Opera's Opera-to-Go Educational outreach program. "Primadonna" will be performed this spring for most of the elementary school children in the Houston metro area, with over 70 performances in schools throughout the region! This commission comes on the heels of his successful debut last year with the children's opera "The Pastry Prince."
December 8, 2015 -- (6:30PM) at the Little Monastery of the Community of the Lamb, 36 South Boeke Street in Kansas City. Join us for a special Holy Mass in celebration of Pope Francis' declaration of the Year of Mercy with Archbishop Naumann and the members of the Community of the Lamb. We will follow Mass with a potluck and tour of the nearby art studio of Elizabeth Zeller.
November 7, 2015 -- (2:00PM-5:00PM) at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. Come join us as we study and discuss the works of the great masters and of contemporary artists, discovering creative inspiration for our own work. We shall meet at 2:00 PM at the Information Center.
September 5, 2015 -- (9:30AM-12:30AM) at Savior Pastoral Center. Our regular First Saturday CRAA meeting.
Summer, 2015 -- Thanks to Kansas Monks for their wonderful article on our Summer 2015 Workshop in Icon Painting at St. Benedict's Abbey in Aitchison, KS. Fr. Jay Kythe wrote, "An icon is first and foremost an encounter with a person. The saint invites us to pause and look inward at ourselves." We all had a deeply moving experience, culminating in the blessing of our finished icons by Abbot James on the altar of the Abbey church during Mass. Hearing the music of the liturgy, smelling the incense as it swirled about the altar, and seeing the light reflect off of the gold and colors of the holy images brought home to all of us that icons are truly "Windows into Heaven."
August CRAA Meeting -- There was no regular meeting for August 2015. Instead, members attended one of our workshops in the ongoing "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art" Conference. See the Conference page for info on that wonderful series of events.
July 27-29, 2015 -- at St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchison, KS. Conference to celebrate the year of CONSECRATED LIFE. "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art". PART 4: WORKSHOP in Iconography and retreat led by Br. Benedict Geist OSB and Elizabeth Zeller OFS, with blessing of the newly-painted icons by Abbot James Albers OSB. Also, a presentation on CONSECRATED LIFE with Abbot James Albers, OSB. Fee: $190 (includes all materials, workshop, guest room and all meals) (please make checks out to CRAA). We recognize that this fee is a very special and generous offer by Abbot James and the Abbey members, and we are tremendously thankful for it.
July 2015 -- CRAA Director Elizabeth Zeller traveled to Sicily in September to attend a conference for Sacred Art and Church Architecture organized by the Italian group of Imago Unitatis. We look forward to learning from her all about this special trip. See some images from this conference here.
July 25-26, 2015 -- (10AM – 4:30PM) at Aldridge Studios, Overland Park, KS. Conference to celebrate the year of CONSECRATED LIFE. "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art". PART 3: "STILL LIFE, Study of Concept, Composition, and Color, a Pastel workshop with Donna Aldridge PSAM-MAPS. Fee $125 (plus optional $75 for professional archival framing by Jamie Lavin).
July CRAA Meeting -- There was no regular meeting for July 2015. Instead, members attended one of our workshops in the ongoing "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art" Conference. See the Conference page for details.
July 2015 -- CRAA members participated in an exhibition celebrating the life of Pope John Paul II and his call for “new epiphanies of beauty.” This professional and student exhibition was organized by CRAA member William O'Connor.
June 11-12, 2015 -- (9AM – 5PM) at Savior Pastoral Center. Conference to celebrate the year of CONSECRATED LIFE. "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art". PART 2: WORKSHOP in Medieval Manuscript Illumination with Tony Silvestri, PhD. This two-day workshop will focus on the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination, with a special slideshow and presentation on "The Consecrated Life and Artwork of Fra Angelico" (June 11 at 7PM). Participants will use calfskin parchment, pure pigments, gold, and traditional techniques for painting and gilding to create a small illuminated letter of their own design. Fee: $125 includes all materials (plus optional $35 for professional archival framing by Jamie Lavin). Information about the instructor at
June 6, 2015 -- (10:00am - 3:30pm, 3:45 candle-lit evening prayer) at Holy Trinity Parish, Lenexa, KS. Conference to celebrate the year of CONSECRATED LIFE. "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art". PART 1: "CONSECRATING YOUR LIFE" - Self-transcendence to sharing communion in the ups and downs, to and fro of liturgy. "How liturgical action expresses the consecration of our lives", conference with Fr. Daniel McCarthy, OSB, SLD, and “SACRED SPACE - the Axis Mundi/Pole of the Earth in Anthropology and World Religions” presentation with slide show with Tony Silvestri, PhD.
May 2, 2015 -- (9:30AM-12:30PM or longer, if you like) at Savior Pastoral Center. Bring materials for plein air painting and work alongside other artists in the beautiful gardens at Savior. We will discuss the upcoming Conference, and Mary Ackerly will bring a draft of the Prayer Book CRAA is creating.
April 18, 2015 -- (9:30AM-12:30PM or longer, if you like) at Savior Pastoral Center. This month's meeting is an open workshop day, so bring along your painting, sculpture, icon, drawing, compositions, camera... and enjoy working with your artist friends. We will most likely meet at Savior, but check for updates here and via email.
March 7, 2015 -- (9:30AM-1:00PM) CRAA Retreat, Little Monastery Lumen Christi. This month's meeting will be a very special retreat with the Little Brothers and Little Sisters of the Community of the Lamb. We will meet at the Little Monastery Lumen Christi, in Kansas City, KS, under the guidance of Little Brother and Father Christophe. See for more information.
January 10, 2015 -- (9:30AM-12:30PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center. We will be exploring the art of writing lyrics under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Silvestri. The poetry we write together today will be used as the basis for a musical composition by Dr. Brian Nelson next month. For more on Dr. Silvestri's career as a lyricist, see
February 7, 2015 -- (9:30AM-12:30PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center. We will be editing our lyrics from January and working to set them to music, with composer Dr. Brian Nelson.
December 6, 2014 -- (9AM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center. We will begin in the upstairs Chapel for a special Mass, then to the Conference Room for our meeting.
Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 2014 -- "Lumen Fidei: Let Light Shine Out of Darkness" -- CRAA Member Exhibition, Savior Pastoral Center. November 11, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Music and Composition" -- led by Brian Nelson.
October 14, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- Opening Reception for Friends and Family, "Lumen Fidei" Exhibition for CRAA Members.
June 25 - Oct. 1, 2014 -- "God's Love Portrayed in Art: Visual Art, Sacred Music and the Written Word" National Exhibition for Religious Members and Priests -- This will be a juried exhibition at Savior Pastoral Center featuring works by members of religious communities, featuring poems, hymns, essays, mosaics, paintings, sculpture, vocal and instrumental composed music, and photography, created in traditional or contemporary technique. This event is in partnership with the Maryvale Institute (Birmingham UK) with workshops following the Institute.
September 9, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Gilding Medieval Christmas Cards" -- with CRAA member Tony Silvestri, who will instruct us how to gild a small portion of a Nativity image appropriate for your own Christmas cards.
August 12, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Art and Healing" -- Dr George Pagels MD has dedicated his life to sick and wounded people. As a medical doctor George Pagels worked in foreign countries and in the United States. One of his working experiences was in research and treatment for leprosy. For years Dr George Pagels has been the CEO of St Luke's Hospital and is retired now. Under his leadership St Luke's East was built, established and is now thriving well. As CEO of St Luke's Hospital he valued the art as a healing power in the hospital buildings. His dedication to help and heal gives him a deeper understanding of Healing and the healing through art. Dr George Pagels will show images, lecture and lead discussion about this topic.
July 8, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- We will use this normal meeting time to prepare for the opening of the National Exhibition.
July 13, 2014 -- Opening Reception with Archbishop Naumann for the National Exhibition for Religious, at Savior Pastoral Center.
July 14-15, 2014 -- CRAA Workshop in Medieval Illumination with Tony Silvestri -- (Savior Pastoral Center) *** THIS WORKSHOP IS FULL *** This two-day workshop will focus on the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination. Participants will use calfskin parchment, pure pigments, gold, and traditional techniques for painting and gilding to create a small illuminated letter of their own design. Fee: $50 includes all materials. Information about the instructor at
July 16-17, 2014 -- CRAA Workshop in Sculpture with Elizabeth Zeller -- (Savior Pastoral Center) This two-day workshop will cover the art of sculpture, including clay sculpting, armature, and mold-making techniques. Fee: $75 includes all materials. Find inflrmation about the instructor at
July 15-19, 2014 -- Icon Painting Class with David Clayton -- (Savior Pastoral Center) This five-day icon painting class (using egg tempera on vellum paper) will be focusing on the Western Gothic style as seen, for example, in illuminated manuscripts such as the Westminster Psalter. The five-day class will cost $550, which includes materials, tuition, accommodation, and meals. To register, contact Kimberly Rode at (913) 310-0014 (ext. 12) or by email at [email protected].
June 10, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "The Art of Healing" -- George Pagels, former Director-President and CEO of St. Luke's East Hospital. We will also have a short meditation on Lumen Fidei in anticipation of our CRAA Exhibition in October.
May 2014 -- CRAA Director Elizabeth Zeller was interviewed on May 16, 2014 by Archbishop Joseph Naumann on his pastoral radio show, "The Shepherd's Voice." Zeller and the Archbishop discussed the roles artists play in the Church's life of faith. Follow this link to hear the full radio interview:
May 13, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Sacred Spaces III" -- Charlotte Ostermann will show a video presentation of an exhibit she is helping design, about the Catholic artist Antoni Gaudi. She’ll discuss the Sagrada Famila Cathedral in Barcelona as an icon of creation and of Gaudi’s own poetic personhood, and share about the process of trying to honor Gaudi with her own creative response to his work. We will also have a short meditation on Lumen Fidei in anticipation of our CRAA Exhibition in October.
April 28 - May 11, 2014 -- Exhibit by Imago Unitatis International: Presentation in St. Peter, Vienna, Austria. Gratitude goes to CRAA member Christi Jentz traveled to Vienna to represent our Association for this exhibition!
April 8, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center --"Lumen Fidei" --A discussion about Pope Francis' recent Encyclical letter Lumen Fidei (CLICK HERE for the full text), with a special Easter liturgy.
March 11, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Sacred Space II" Prof. Emeritus Wil Valk, Art Historian from Rockhurst University, and a short meditation on Lumen Fidei in anticipation of our CRAA Exhibition in October.
February 18, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Composition" Artist Elizabeth Zeller will speak about harmonious composition in various art forms.
January 14, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Introduction to Drawing Techniques" -- a presentation and workshop covering various drawing techniques. (Please bring paper, pencils and eraser!)
December 31, 2013 -- Submission deadline for CRAA members to have their artwork considered for the 2014 IMAGO UNITATIS International Exhibition in Vienna, Austria. This exhibition will open April 20, 2014.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Advent Poetry" presentation and workshop by Charlotte Ostermann, and a festive fellowship potluck.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Sacred Spaces I" presentation by Tony Silvestri, Lecturer in Ancient History at Washburn Univ.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 -- (2:30 - 6:30) Workshop on Egg Tempera Technique with Christi Jentz.
This workshop introduces attendees to the basics of egg tempera technique and is "open enrollment" through "Contemporary Religious Arts Association" in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas. The workshop starts at 2:30pm and will end at 6:30pm.
We selected a Christmas card theme in 5x7 size for our workshop. For more information on the workshop feel free to Christi Marie Jentz,
Brookfield, WI Christi is a member of CRAA and a student of the Maryvale Institute and learned
from David Clayton this special illumination technique.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "God Made You in His Image: The Glory of Form" -- Charlotte Ostermann will share her reflections about the Catholic understanding of form in music, poetry, architecture and personhood. As a founding member of the Catholic Creatives Salon, she draws ideas and insights from several seasons of study and conversation about the intersection of faith and art. As a writer and poet, and spiritual mentor, she speaks from the experience of art as a spiritual practice. The arts can inform our spiritual lives, and faith is expressed in creative forms that draw radiance from the Liturgy.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Images of the Holy Land" -- Tim Chik, Director of Savior Pastoral Center and great supporter of our group, will present images of the Holy Land taken on his trip to Israel 2013.
Saturday, Aug. 17 -- "Ora et Labora and the Arts" Communal Support Day -- Instead of our usual Tuesday evening meeting, the CRAA will host a communal "come and work together" day at Savior Pastoral Center. Bring your supplies, easel, chisel, or paper to work and pray side-by-side for a day. We will have lunch together and support each other as we work on our own current projects.
Saturday and Sunday, June 29-30 -- Workshop in Medieval Illumination, Savior Pastoral Center, St. Mark's Room -- Participants will explore the traditional historical materials and techniques of medieval artists as they create a small illumination using calfskin vellum, pure pigments, and 24K gold leaf. Schedule: Saturday, June 29, 9 AM - 5 PM; Sunday, June 30, 1 PM - 5 PM
Fee: $150 (or $125 for CRAA members) and includes lunch on Saturday and beverages and snacks on Sunday.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- Father gave a wonderful presentation about spirituality and the arts; Tony unveiled our new website; and Elizabeth led several of us in making molds for bronze casting.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Sculpting the Cross" with Elizabeth Zeller and special meditation on the meaning of the Cross by Sr. Josephine Boyes, OFM. Members used clay to sculpt a cross to be cast in bronze at a later meeting.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "The History of Colors" with Tony Silvestri. Tony presented the origins of the traditional palette of medieval artists and iconographers with a show-and-tell of many pure pigments in their raw and processed states. Then members played with the colors by making paint with a variety of binders--egg glair, egg tempera, and gum arabic/
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- Opening Reception of our first exhibition at Savior Pastoral Center, hosted by the Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas and the Savior Pastoral Center.
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Icons" with Elizabeth Zeller. Elizabeth talked about the history of icons, their form and design, and the deeper meanings behind them.
Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Gilding Basics" with Tony Silvestri. Tony taught how traditional gilder's gesso is made, and then members used this gesso to lay gold leaf on a small medieval design.
January 20-24, 2020 -- Architecture for Liturgy I WORKSHOP with Fr. Daniel McCarthy, OSB, at the St. John Paul II Center in Denver, CO. Click here for more information:
July 14, 2018 -- a WORKSHOP in NEO-MEDIEVAL ILLUMINATION with Tony Silvestri - from 9am to 6pm at the Church of the Holy Cross in Hutchinson, KS. This one-day workshop with instructor Dr. Tony Silvestri will focus on the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination. Participants will use calfskin parchment, pure pigments, gold, and traditional techniques for painting and gilding to create a small illuminated letter of their own design. For more information about Tony, visit
July 21, 2018 -- a WORKSHOP in NEO-MEDIEVAL ILLUMINATION with Tony Silvestri - from 9am to 6pm at the Good Shepherd Catholic Community in Shawnee, KS. This one-day workshop with instructor Dr. Tony Silvestri will focus on the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination. Participants will use calfskin parchment, pure pigments, gold, and traditional techniques for painting and gilding to create a small illuminated letter of their own design. For more information about Tony, visit
November, 2017 -- a RETREAT with Little Brother Cristophe and the Little Sisters and Little Brothers of the Community of the Lamb, Kansas City, KS. We will be focusing our attention on Rublev's Icon of the Holy Trinity, in anticipation of the Solemnity of the Holy Trinity on June 11. For more information on the Community of the Lamb, kindly visit their website:
April 29, 2017 -- Join us from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm, at the Lawrence studio of iconographer Peggy Shopen for an open-house look at her recent work, a discussion of the technical and spiritual practice of creating icons, and an insight into her experiences as an ongoing student of the Hexaemeron School of icon writing in Connecticut. This should be a thoughtful and fascinating afternoon with a talented and prayerful artist, as part of the CRAA's year of focus on the art and spirituality of icons. The address is 815 E. 11th Street in Lawrence, KS. Here is a link to an interview which might make interesting food for thought in anticipation of this discussion.
April 7-9, 2017 -- Workshop: MEDIEVAL ILLUMINATION for PALM SUNDAY, at St. Benedict's Abbey, Aitchison, KS. Join Elizabeth Zeller for a three-day workshop in conjunction with the exhibition of the St. John's Bible at St. Benedict's Abbey. Workshop participants will use the same traditional materials and techniques used in the Middle Ages, and by the scribes and illuminators who created the St. John's Bible.
March 13-April 16, 2017 at St. Benedict's Abbey, Aitchison KS. The Abbey will be hosting a traveling exhibition of the St. John's Bible! There should be several opportunities for CRAA members to share in this ongoing event. Benedictine College is even offering a course in the St. John's Bible this semester!
March 15, 2017 (7 PM) in the O'Malley-McAllister Auditorium on the campus of Benedictine University, Aitchison, KS. A lecture by Sister Irene Nowell from Mt. St. Scholastica, on the St. John's Bible. She is an Old Testament scholar and was on the scripture committee that worked with the artists on the SJB. This lecture is free and open to the public.
March 4, 2017 at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, at 10:15 AM. Join us for a private guided tour of the museum's collection of religious art. This event is FREE, but requires a minimum participation of six persons.
Winter 2016 -- Abbot Barnabas Senecal, OSB had a new exhibition of his Photographic Artwork in the gallery of St. Benedict's Abbey in Atchison, KS.
January 16-20, 2017 -- ARCHITECTURE FOR LITURGY I, at Spiritual Life Center, Wichita, KS. Join Fr. Daniel McCarthy, OSB, SLD for a week of study and reflection on the role of architecture, design, and artistic vision in the liturgy. This course is perfect for architects designing churches, artists preparing church commissions, diocesan personnel, pastors, liturgy and parish planning committees. For more information and registration, kindly visit:
November, 2016 -- at the Trappist Monastery, Assumption Abbey, in Ava, MO. Elizabeth Zeller, OFS, offered a sacred art workshop for the hermits and Trappists at the monastery as part of her efforts to bring art workshops to cloistered religious, and those in religious communities who cannot travel.
Archbishop Naumann appointed St. Benedict's Abbey in Atchison, KS as one of the few official Pilgrimage sites in the archdiocese for the holy Jubilee Year of Mercy declared by Pope Francis. One door to the Abbey Church was designated by Archbishop Naumann as a Holy Door for pilgrims to receive an Indulgence as they pass through during this special year. The CRAA responded to the Archbishop's call for participation in this special Year of Mercy through the organization of artistic events and workshops which both invited reflection on mercy, but also in partnership with Abbot James and St. Benedict's Abbey invited pilgrims to the abbey for the summer's workshops in drawing, illumination, and mosaic arts.
July 18-24, 2016 -- at St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchison, KS: Our Summer 2016 Workshop/Retreat at the Abbey will include time for prayer and reflection, as well as workshops in manuscript illumination with instructor Tony Silvestri, and icon painting with instructor Elizabeth Zeller.
June 14, 2016 (Tuesday 6:30-9:00pm) at Savior Pastoral Center: The Life and Work of Fra Angelico with CRAA member and educator Tony Silvestri.
April 16, 2016 (Saturday 1:30- 4:30pm) at Savior Pastoral Center, CONFERENCE ROOM: Calligraphy with Jude Billings. This was a wonderful introductory class in the art of calligraphy with a professional in the field.
March 15, 2016 (Tuesday 6:30-9:00pm) at Savior Pastoral Center: Holy Week portrayed in Iconography and Hymns.
February 13, 2016 (Saturday 1:30-4:30pm): Color workshop with Donna Aldridge, Location: Donna Aldridge Studios.
January 2016 -- CRAA member and Librettist Tony Silvestri will attend the January 2016 premiere of his new opera "The Puffed-Up Primadonna" commissioned by the Houston Grand Opera's Opera-to-Go Educational outreach program. "Primadonna" will be performed this spring for most of the elementary school children in the Houston metro area, with over 70 performances in schools throughout the region! This commission comes on the heels of his successful debut last year with the children's opera "The Pastry Prince."
December 8, 2015 -- (6:30PM) at the Little Monastery of the Community of the Lamb, 36 South Boeke Street in Kansas City. Join us for a special Holy Mass in celebration of Pope Francis' declaration of the Year of Mercy with Archbishop Naumann and the members of the Community of the Lamb. We will follow Mass with a potluck and tour of the nearby art studio of Elizabeth Zeller.
November 7, 2015 -- (2:00PM-5:00PM) at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. Come join us as we study and discuss the works of the great masters and of contemporary artists, discovering creative inspiration for our own work. We shall meet at 2:00 PM at the Information Center.
September 5, 2015 -- (9:30AM-12:30AM) at Savior Pastoral Center. Our regular First Saturday CRAA meeting.
Summer, 2015 -- Thanks to Kansas Monks for their wonderful article on our Summer 2015 Workshop in Icon Painting at St. Benedict's Abbey in Aitchison, KS. Fr. Jay Kythe wrote, "An icon is first and foremost an encounter with a person. The saint invites us to pause and look inward at ourselves." We all had a deeply moving experience, culminating in the blessing of our finished icons by Abbot James on the altar of the Abbey church during Mass. Hearing the music of the liturgy, smelling the incense as it swirled about the altar, and seeing the light reflect off of the gold and colors of the holy images brought home to all of us that icons are truly "Windows into Heaven."
August CRAA Meeting -- There was no regular meeting for August 2015. Instead, members attended one of our workshops in the ongoing "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art" Conference. See the Conference page for info on that wonderful series of events.
July 27-29, 2015 -- at St. Benedict's Abbey, Atchison, KS. Conference to celebrate the year of CONSECRATED LIFE. "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art". PART 4: WORKSHOP in Iconography and retreat led by Br. Benedict Geist OSB and Elizabeth Zeller OFS, with blessing of the newly-painted icons by Abbot James Albers OSB. Also, a presentation on CONSECRATED LIFE with Abbot James Albers, OSB. Fee: $190 (includes all materials, workshop, guest room and all meals) (please make checks out to CRAA). We recognize that this fee is a very special and generous offer by Abbot James and the Abbey members, and we are tremendously thankful for it.
July 2015 -- CRAA Director Elizabeth Zeller traveled to Sicily in September to attend a conference for Sacred Art and Church Architecture organized by the Italian group of Imago Unitatis. We look forward to learning from her all about this special trip. See some images from this conference here.
July 25-26, 2015 -- (10AM – 4:30PM) at Aldridge Studios, Overland Park, KS. Conference to celebrate the year of CONSECRATED LIFE. "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art". PART 3: "STILL LIFE, Study of Concept, Composition, and Color, a Pastel workshop with Donna Aldridge PSAM-MAPS. Fee $125 (plus optional $75 for professional archival framing by Jamie Lavin).
July CRAA Meeting -- There was no regular meeting for July 2015. Instead, members attended one of our workshops in the ongoing "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art" Conference. See the Conference page for details.
July 2015 -- CRAA members participated in an exhibition celebrating the life of Pope John Paul II and his call for “new epiphanies of beauty.” This professional and student exhibition was organized by CRAA member William O'Connor.
June 11-12, 2015 -- (9AM – 5PM) at Savior Pastoral Center. Conference to celebrate the year of CONSECRATED LIFE. "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art". PART 2: WORKSHOP in Medieval Manuscript Illumination with Tony Silvestri, PhD. This two-day workshop will focus on the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination, with a special slideshow and presentation on "The Consecrated Life and Artwork of Fra Angelico" (June 11 at 7PM). Participants will use calfskin parchment, pure pigments, gold, and traditional techniques for painting and gilding to create a small illuminated letter of their own design. Fee: $125 includes all materials (plus optional $35 for professional archival framing by Jamie Lavin). Information about the instructor at
June 6, 2015 -- (10:00am - 3:30pm, 3:45 candle-lit evening prayer) at Holy Trinity Parish, Lenexa, KS. Conference to celebrate the year of CONSECRATED LIFE. "Art in the Service of Church - How Consecrated Life inspires Art". PART 1: "CONSECRATING YOUR LIFE" - Self-transcendence to sharing communion in the ups and downs, to and fro of liturgy. "How liturgical action expresses the consecration of our lives", conference with Fr. Daniel McCarthy, OSB, SLD, and “SACRED SPACE - the Axis Mundi/Pole of the Earth in Anthropology and World Religions” presentation with slide show with Tony Silvestri, PhD.
May 2, 2015 -- (9:30AM-12:30PM or longer, if you like) at Savior Pastoral Center. Bring materials for plein air painting and work alongside other artists in the beautiful gardens at Savior. We will discuss the upcoming Conference, and Mary Ackerly will bring a draft of the Prayer Book CRAA is creating.
April 18, 2015 -- (9:30AM-12:30PM or longer, if you like) at Savior Pastoral Center. This month's meeting is an open workshop day, so bring along your painting, sculpture, icon, drawing, compositions, camera... and enjoy working with your artist friends. We will most likely meet at Savior, but check for updates here and via email.
March 7, 2015 -- (9:30AM-1:00PM) CRAA Retreat, Little Monastery Lumen Christi. This month's meeting will be a very special retreat with the Little Brothers and Little Sisters of the Community of the Lamb. We will meet at the Little Monastery Lumen Christi, in Kansas City, KS, under the guidance of Little Brother and Father Christophe. See for more information.
January 10, 2015 -- (9:30AM-12:30PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center. We will be exploring the art of writing lyrics under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Silvestri. The poetry we write together today will be used as the basis for a musical composition by Dr. Brian Nelson next month. For more on Dr. Silvestri's career as a lyricist, see
February 7, 2015 -- (9:30AM-12:30PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center. We will be editing our lyrics from January and working to set them to music, with composer Dr. Brian Nelson.
December 6, 2014 -- (9AM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center. We will begin in the upstairs Chapel for a special Mass, then to the Conference Room for our meeting.
Oct. 1 - Dec. 31, 2014 -- "Lumen Fidei: Let Light Shine Out of Darkness" -- CRAA Member Exhibition, Savior Pastoral Center. November 11, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Music and Composition" -- led by Brian Nelson.
October 14, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- Opening Reception for Friends and Family, "Lumen Fidei" Exhibition for CRAA Members.
June 25 - Oct. 1, 2014 -- "God's Love Portrayed in Art: Visual Art, Sacred Music and the Written Word" National Exhibition for Religious Members and Priests -- This will be a juried exhibition at Savior Pastoral Center featuring works by members of religious communities, featuring poems, hymns, essays, mosaics, paintings, sculpture, vocal and instrumental composed music, and photography, created in traditional or contemporary technique. This event is in partnership with the Maryvale Institute (Birmingham UK) with workshops following the Institute.
September 9, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Gilding Medieval Christmas Cards" -- with CRAA member Tony Silvestri, who will instruct us how to gild a small portion of a Nativity image appropriate for your own Christmas cards.
August 12, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Art and Healing" -- Dr George Pagels MD has dedicated his life to sick and wounded people. As a medical doctor George Pagels worked in foreign countries and in the United States. One of his working experiences was in research and treatment for leprosy. For years Dr George Pagels has been the CEO of St Luke's Hospital and is retired now. Under his leadership St Luke's East was built, established and is now thriving well. As CEO of St Luke's Hospital he valued the art as a healing power in the hospital buildings. His dedication to help and heal gives him a deeper understanding of Healing and the healing through art. Dr George Pagels will show images, lecture and lead discussion about this topic.
July 8, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- We will use this normal meeting time to prepare for the opening of the National Exhibition.
July 13, 2014 -- Opening Reception with Archbishop Naumann for the National Exhibition for Religious, at Savior Pastoral Center.
July 14-15, 2014 -- CRAA Workshop in Medieval Illumination with Tony Silvestri -- (Savior Pastoral Center) *** THIS WORKSHOP IS FULL *** This two-day workshop will focus on the materials and techniques of Medieval manuscript illumination. Participants will use calfskin parchment, pure pigments, gold, and traditional techniques for painting and gilding to create a small illuminated letter of their own design. Fee: $50 includes all materials. Information about the instructor at
July 16-17, 2014 -- CRAA Workshop in Sculpture with Elizabeth Zeller -- (Savior Pastoral Center) This two-day workshop will cover the art of sculpture, including clay sculpting, armature, and mold-making techniques. Fee: $75 includes all materials. Find inflrmation about the instructor at
July 15-19, 2014 -- Icon Painting Class with David Clayton -- (Savior Pastoral Center) This five-day icon painting class (using egg tempera on vellum paper) will be focusing on the Western Gothic style as seen, for example, in illuminated manuscripts such as the Westminster Psalter. The five-day class will cost $550, which includes materials, tuition, accommodation, and meals. To register, contact Kimberly Rode at (913) 310-0014 (ext. 12) or by email at [email protected].
June 10, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "The Art of Healing" -- George Pagels, former Director-President and CEO of St. Luke's East Hospital. We will also have a short meditation on Lumen Fidei in anticipation of our CRAA Exhibition in October.
May 2014 -- CRAA Director Elizabeth Zeller was interviewed on May 16, 2014 by Archbishop Joseph Naumann on his pastoral radio show, "The Shepherd's Voice." Zeller and the Archbishop discussed the roles artists play in the Church's life of faith. Follow this link to hear the full radio interview:
May 13, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Sacred Spaces III" -- Charlotte Ostermann will show a video presentation of an exhibit she is helping design, about the Catholic artist Antoni Gaudi. She’ll discuss the Sagrada Famila Cathedral in Barcelona as an icon of creation and of Gaudi’s own poetic personhood, and share about the process of trying to honor Gaudi with her own creative response to his work. We will also have a short meditation on Lumen Fidei in anticipation of our CRAA Exhibition in October.
April 28 - May 11, 2014 -- Exhibit by Imago Unitatis International: Presentation in St. Peter, Vienna, Austria. Gratitude goes to CRAA member Christi Jentz traveled to Vienna to represent our Association for this exhibition!
April 8, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center --"Lumen Fidei" --A discussion about Pope Francis' recent Encyclical letter Lumen Fidei (CLICK HERE for the full text), with a special Easter liturgy.
March 11, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Sacred Space II" Prof. Emeritus Wil Valk, Art Historian from Rockhurst University, and a short meditation on Lumen Fidei in anticipation of our CRAA Exhibition in October.
February 18, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Composition" Artist Elizabeth Zeller will speak about harmonious composition in various art forms.
January 14, 2014 -- (7PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Introduction to Drawing Techniques" -- a presentation and workshop covering various drawing techniques. (Please bring paper, pencils and eraser!)
December 31, 2013 -- Submission deadline for CRAA members to have their artwork considered for the 2014 IMAGO UNITATIS International Exhibition in Vienna, Austria. This exhibition will open April 20, 2014.
Tuesday, December 10, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Advent Poetry" presentation and workshop by Charlotte Ostermann, and a festive fellowship potluck.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Sacred Spaces I" presentation by Tony Silvestri, Lecturer in Ancient History at Washburn Univ.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013 -- (2:30 - 6:30) Workshop on Egg Tempera Technique with Christi Jentz.
This workshop introduces attendees to the basics of egg tempera technique and is "open enrollment" through "Contemporary Religious Arts Association" in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kansas. The workshop starts at 2:30pm and will end at 6:30pm.
We selected a Christmas card theme in 5x7 size for our workshop. For more information on the workshop feel free to Christi Marie Jentz,
Brookfield, WI Christi is a member of CRAA and a student of the Maryvale Institute and learned
from David Clayton this special illumination technique.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "God Made You in His Image: The Glory of Form" -- Charlotte Ostermann will share her reflections about the Catholic understanding of form in music, poetry, architecture and personhood. As a founding member of the Catholic Creatives Salon, she draws ideas and insights from several seasons of study and conversation about the intersection of faith and art. As a writer and poet, and spiritual mentor, she speaks from the experience of art as a spiritual practice. The arts can inform our spiritual lives, and faith is expressed in creative forms that draw radiance from the Liturgy.
Tuesday, September 10, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Images of the Holy Land" -- Tim Chik, Director of Savior Pastoral Center and great supporter of our group, will present images of the Holy Land taken on his trip to Israel 2013.
Saturday, Aug. 17 -- "Ora et Labora and the Arts" Communal Support Day -- Instead of our usual Tuesday evening meeting, the CRAA will host a communal "come and work together" day at Savior Pastoral Center. Bring your supplies, easel, chisel, or paper to work and pray side-by-side for a day. We will have lunch together and support each other as we work on our own current projects.
Saturday and Sunday, June 29-30 -- Workshop in Medieval Illumination, Savior Pastoral Center, St. Mark's Room -- Participants will explore the traditional historical materials and techniques of medieval artists as they create a small illumination using calfskin vellum, pure pigments, and 24K gold leaf. Schedule: Saturday, June 29, 9 AM - 5 PM; Sunday, June 30, 1 PM - 5 PM
Fee: $150 (or $125 for CRAA members) and includes lunch on Saturday and beverages and snacks on Sunday.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- Father gave a wonderful presentation about spirituality and the arts; Tony unveiled our new website; and Elizabeth led several of us in making molds for bronze casting.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Sculpting the Cross" with Elizabeth Zeller and special meditation on the meaning of the Cross by Sr. Josephine Boyes, OFM. Members used clay to sculpt a cross to be cast in bronze at a later meeting.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "The History of Colors" with Tony Silvestri. Tony presented the origins of the traditional palette of medieval artists and iconographers with a show-and-tell of many pure pigments in their raw and processed states. Then members played with the colors by making paint with a variety of binders--egg glair, egg tempera, and gum arabic/
Tuesday, March 12, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- Opening Reception of our first exhibition at Savior Pastoral Center, hosted by the Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas and the Savior Pastoral Center.
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Icons" with Elizabeth Zeller. Elizabeth talked about the history of icons, their form and design, and the deeper meanings behind them.
Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2013 -- (7 PM) CRAA Meeting, Savior Pastoral Center -- "Gilding Basics" with Tony Silvestri. Tony taught how traditional gilder's gesso is made, and then members used this gesso to lay gold leaf on a small medieval design.